The Music Video Box

gprnt introduces…

The Old-Timey Music Video Box

I decided that I wanted to add a little visual stimulation to my current “Hot 100” playlist. So, I went out to youtube
and found videos for every song on the list. Sometimes the “video” is no more than a static image, but whatever… You
can find just about any song you want out there. I then wrote a little application in javascript to play my collection
in a random order.

The Old-Timey Music Video Box

When I was young, I dreamed of being a radio DJ. I never acquired the gift of gab, but I was always keen to dictate a
music list. Now, I am able to fulfill that desire! Here is my music video radio station. Perfect for playing in the
background while working. I generally update the songlist weekly.

Every song is a surprise. Every song is an adventure!